Vol. 55, 2016
(update: 2016.3.31)
Notes on the foraging strategies of the Giant Robber Crab Birgus
latro (Anomala) on Christmas Island: Evidence for active predation
on Red Crabs Gecarcoidea natalis (Brachyura)
Jakob Krieger1,*, Michelle M. Drew2,
Bill S. Hansson2,†, and Steffen
Greifswald, Zoological Institute and Museum, Cytology and Evolutionary
Biology, 17487 Greifswald.E-mail: steffen.harzsch@uni-greifswald.de
2Max Planck Institute for Chemical
Ecology, Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology, 07745 Jena.
E-mail: myobatrachid@hotmail.de; hansson@ice.mpg.de
Jakob Krieger, Michelle M. Drew, Bill S. Hansson, and
Steffen Harzsch (2016) Christmas Island, Indian Ocean,
currently supports one of the largest populations of the giant
terrestrial robber crab, Birgus latro
(Crustacea, Anomala, Coenobitidae), the largest land living arthropod.
Robber crabs are considered opportunistic omnivores feeding on a
diversity of plants as well as animal derived foods. Previous reports
indicate that the B. latro is primarily an omnivorous
scavenger; however there is some anecdotal evidence suggesting that the
species may also hunt actively. Between 2010 and 2012 during three
field trips to Christmas Island, we observed and documented active
predatory behavior of B. latro on the endemic Christmas
Island red crab, Gecarcoidea natalis (Brachyura,
Gecarcinidae). Our observations suggest that B. latro
does actively hunt, and exhibits at least two distinct predatory
strategies. Large robber crabs are able to actively overwhelm and kill
red crabs, while smaller individuals are likely to provoke red crabs to
autotomize limbs on which to feed. These findings may indicate a much
tighter predator-prey relationship between robber crabs and red crabs
than considered before.
Key words:
Food spectrum, Feeding strategy, Land crab, Predator-prey relationship.
*Correspondence: E-mail: nishioka@museum.osaka-u.ac.jp
†Bill S. Hansson and Steffen Harzsch contribute equally to this work.
Citation: Krieger J, Drew MM, Hansson BS, Harzsch S. 2016. Notes on the foraging strategies of the giant robber crab Birgus latro (Anomala) on Christmas Island: evidence for active predation on red crabs Gecarcoidea natalis (Brachyura). Zool Stud 55:6. doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-06.