Vol. 55, 2016
(update: 2016.3.31)
New Species of Pheretima, Amynthas,
Polypheretima, and Pithemera (Clitellata:
Megascolecidae) from Mindanao and Associated Islands, Philippines
Nonillon M. Aspe1,* and Samuel W. James2
1Department of Natural
Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, N10 W8,
Sapporo 060-0810, Japan. E-mail: nonillon_aspe@yahoo.com
2Department of Biology,
University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242-1324, Iowa, USA. E-mail:
Nonillon M. Aspe and Samuel W. James (2016)
over the past decade have shown the Philippine native earthworm fauna
to be highly diverse, with apparent high endemism among islands and
localities. Here we describe 17 new species of pheretimoid earthworms
collected from priority conservation sites on Mindanao and associated
islands. Nine species of the subgenus Pheretima (Pheretima),
distinguished by the absence of secretory diverticula on the coelomic
surface of the copulatory bursae, were detected. Pheretima acia
n. sp., P. dinagatensis n. sp., P. enormis n. sp., P.
hamiguitanensis n. sp., P. lantapanensis n. sp. belong
to the P. urceolata species group, with a pair of
spermathecal pores in 5/6; P. timpoongensis n. sp., P.
camiguinensis n. sp., P. sibucalensis n. sp., and P.
apoensis n. sp. belong to the P. sangirensis group, with
a pair of spermathecal pores in 7/8. Pheretima (Parapheretima)
pandanensis n. sp. and P. (Parapheretima)
boaensis n. sp., members of the subgenus Pheretima
(Parapheretima), with secretory diverticula on the coelomic
surface of the copulatory bursae, are the first Philippine records of Parapheretima.
In the genus Amynthas, A. dinagatensis n.
sp. is athecate; A. cagdianaoensis n. sp. belongs to the
belongs to the A. supuensis species group, with a pair of
spermathecal pores at 8/9; and A. talaandigensis n. sp.
belongs to A. rimosus group, with intrasegmental spermathecae
in 6, 7, 8, and 9. In the genus Polypheretima, P. bukidnonensis
n. sp. belongs to the Po. elongata
species group, with paired genital markings on xix and successive
segments, and paired spermathecal batteries in vi and/or vii; Po.
zamboangensis n. sp., either has spermathecal pores in 5/6/7 or
lacks them, and has a metandric male sexual system. Pithemera
n. sp. is unique among congeners in having only one pair of
spermathecal pores in 5/6 and in having copulatory bursae. The
geological history of Mindanao, which is a collision complex between
three arc systems, may have contributed to the high diversity of the
earthworm fauna on Mindanao. Future molecular studies can help
elucidate the evolutionary relationships and geographical distribution
of species and populations, and shed light on mechanisms of earthworm
diversification in the Philippines.
Key words:
Pheretima, Amynthas, Polypheretima, Pithemera,
new species, Oligochaeta, Mindanao, Philippines.
*Correspondance: E-mail: nonillon_aspe@yahoo.com
Citation: Aspe NM, James SW. 2016. New species of Pheretima, Amynthas, Polypheretima, and Pithemera (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from Mindanao and associated islands, Philippines. Zool Stud 55:8. doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-08.