Vol. 55, 2016
(update: 2016.3.31)
Improvement in Survivorship: The
Key for Population Recovery?
María Florencia Grandi1,*, Silvana L. Dans1,2
and Enrique A. Crespo1,2
1Laboratorio de Mamíferos
Marinos, Centro Nacional Patagónico-CONICET, Bvd. Brown 2915, 9120
Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Bvd. Brown 3051, 9120 Puerto
Madryn, Chubut, Argentina.E-mail: dans@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar,
María Florencia Grandi, Silvana L. Dans,
and Enrique A. Crespo (2016) In northern
Patagonia, commercial harvesting of South American sea lions, Otaria
from 1920 to 1960, decimated its population abundance. Population
recovery was not immediate after hunting ceased in 1962. The population
was stable until 1989, and since then has grown at an annual rate of
increase of 5.7%. Along with this growth there was an increase of the
juvenile fraction and changes in the social composition of colonies,
which could be related to changes in some population vital rates. The
aim of this study was to analyze changes in the survivorship pattern of
Otaria flavescens through time. The ultimate goal was to
contribute to a better understanding of changes that could have
operated on the ecosystem after the decline and recovery of one of the
main marine top-predators in the southern South Atlantic Ocean. The
comparisons of survivorship curves of males and females, obtained from
the life tables of two periods with different population trends:
1981-1987 (stationary) and 2000-2008 (recovering), showed that there
were differences in survivorship between sexes, where recent female
age-specific survival was higher than that of males at any age. The
comparison of survivorship between periods showed differences in both
sexes. Both juveniles and adults, both male and female, from the recent
period showed higher survival than those of the 1980’s decade.This
improvement in survivorship could be one of the essential factors that
drove population recovery in the last decades. Here we discuss the
possible hypotheses of which factors could have changed in the
ecosystem to favour juvenile and adult survivorship, such as an
increase in the availability of food recourses, a decrease of exogenous
mortality causes, or a combination of both factors.
Key words: Life table, Otaria flavescens,
South American sea lion, Survivorship, Population recovery, Northern
*Corresponding author: Tel: +054-280-4883184 int. 1272.
Fax: +054-280-4883543. E-mail: grandi@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Citation: Grandi MF, Dans SL, Crespo EA. 2016. Improvement in survivorship: the key for population recovery? Zool Stud 55:9. doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-09.