Vol. 55, 2016
(update: 2016.8.3)
Taxonomic Composition
and Seasonal Distribution
Changes of Pelagic
Tunicates in the Waters
Off Nuclear
Power Plants
in Northern Taiwan
in Relation to
Pietro Franco1, HongJu Chen2,
and Jiang Shiou Hwang3,*
Laboratory of Marine
Environment and Ecology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100,
China. E-mail:pierokun@hotmail.it
of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean
University of China, Qingdao, 266100, China.
of Marine Biology, National Taiwan OceanUniversity, Keelung202,
(Received 18 October 2015;
Accepted 23 March 2016)
Pietro Franco, HongJu
Chen, and Jiang
Shiou Hwang (2016)
The ecological importance of pelagic tunicates and their role in marine
ecosystems are receiving increasing attention, especially with respect
of their role in the carbon flow through the planktonic food web and
their fundamental influence on the microbial food web. Nuclear Power
Plants I and II are located in most populated northern Taiwan. Effects
of the discharge of the cooling water from nuclear power plants have
drawn great attention since 1977. No studies on pelagic tunicates were
carried out in the area. Taxonomic composition, distribution, abundance
and seasonality of pelagic tunicates belonging to the two taxonomic
classes Larvacea and Thaliacea were studied and their relationship with
environmental conditions were analyzed from 21 stations in the waters
adjacent to 2 nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan. A total of nine
species were identified: the appendicularians Oikopleura dioica,
O. caphocera, O. rufuscens, O. longicauda, Fritillaria aberrans and
the thaliaceans Doliolum denticulatum, Thalia democratica
orientalis, Dolioletta gegenbauri and Thetys vagina.
There is a strong seasonality in the area. In fact, the highest
abundances were measured during the summer season, whereas low
abundances prevailed in the rest of the year. No relationship was found
between tunicate abundance and surface temperature and salinity, likely
due to slight changes of the two environmental parameters of the
studied area within each season. The hypothesis regarding a direct
effect of the discharged cooling waters on the organisms was
consequently discarded. The abundances of larvaceans and thaliaceans
were significantly influenced by the concentration of chl-a,
among the four seasons as well as within all the stations for each
season.There is a strong seasonality in the area concerning the
distribution and abundance values of the nine species of pelagic
tunicates in the area.The presence of the organisms is more influenced
by the availability of food during the four seasons rather than by the
effects of the discharged waters from the two nuclear plants. Further
research needs to describe inter-annual changes in seasonality of
pelagic tunicates in this area.
Key words: Nuclear power plant, Pelagic
tunicate, Species composition, Distribution, Environmental condition.
*Correspondence: E-mail: jshwang@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Citation: Franco P, Chen HJ, Hwang JS. 2016. Taxonomic
composition and seasonal distribution changes of pelagic tunicates in
the waters off nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan in relation to
environmental conditions. Zool Stud 55:28. doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-28.