Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.05.14; 06.24)
Delimitation of Tigertooth
Croaker Otolithes Species
(Teleostei: Sciaenidae) from the Western Arabian Gulf Using an
Integrative Approach, with a Description of Otolithes arabicus sp. nov.
Lin1,*, Mohammad A. Qurban1, Kang Ning Shen2,
and Ning Labbish Chao3
Studies Section, Center for Environment and Waters, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Marine
Studies Section, Center for Environment and Waters, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
*Correspondence: E-mail: YJLin@mail.com (Lin). E-mail:
mqurban@kfupm.edu.sa (Qurban)
of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean
University, Taiwan. E-mail: knshen@mail.ntou.edu.tw
3Sciaenidae Red List Authority- IUCN, SSC.
E-mail: piabachao@gmail.com
Received 18 September 2018 / Accepted 24 April 2019
Communicated by Hin-Kiu Mok
species, Otolithes ruber and Otolithes cuvieri, are currently
recognized in the sciaenid genus Otolithes.
Recent findings suggest that Otolithes
ruber likely has multiple genetically and morphologically
distinct lineages and one of them, Otolithes
sp. West Indian Ocean II group (WIO II group), has been previously
identified in the Arabian Gulf. In this study, the specimens of Otolithes sp. collected from the
western Arabian Gulf were examined using an integrative approach by
combining mitochondrial cytochrome c
oxidase 1 gene, morphological characteristics, and otolith-shape
analyses. Three groups were found to have small within-group and large
between-group genetic distance: the Otolithes
sp. Western Arabian Gulf (WA) group, and the Otolithes sp. WIO II groups type A
and type B. Accordingly, three primary species hypotheses were
proposed. Evidence from conventional morphological comparisons,
multivariate statistical analysis, geometric morphometric landmark
analysis on morphological characteristics, and otolith shape analysis
based on wavelet transformation all favor the hypothesis that the Otolithes sp. WA group is a
distinct lineage. For this new species, the name Otolithes arabicus sp. nov. is
proposed. A detailed description of Otolithes
arabicus sp. nov. and a key to identifing species in the genus Otolithes are also provided.
However, the primary species hypotheses for Otolithes sp. West Indian Ocean II
group type A and type B cannot be fully supported because of partial
congruence, which may result from recent divergence.
Key words: DNA barcode, Integrative taxonomy,
Morphology, New Species, Otolithes,
Otolith shape, Sciaenidae.
Citation: Lin YJ, Qurban MA, Shen KN, Chao
NL. 2019. Delimitation of Tigertooth Croaker Otolithes Species (Teleostei: Sciaenidae) from the Western Arabian Gulf Using an Integrative Approach, with a Description of Otolithes arabicus sp. nov. Zool
Stud 58:10.