Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.07.26; 09.16)
of Hydrological Heterogeneity on Rotifer Community Structure in Three
Different Water Bodies in Shantou Area, Guangdong (China)
Liang1, Nan Wei1, Qing Wang1, Christian D.
Jersabek2, Xuejia He3, and Yufeng Yang1,*
of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, 601 West Huangpu Avenue, Guangzhou,
Guangdong, P. R. China. *Correspondence: E-mail: tyyf@jnu.edu.cn
(Yang). E-mail: liangdiwen@sina.com (Liang)
2Division of Animal Structure & Function,
University of Salzburg, A–5020 Salzburg, Austria. E-mail:
3Research Center for Harmful Algae and Aquatic
Environment, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. E-mail:
Received 15 October 2018 / Accepted 11 July 2019
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
small but essential invertebrates in aquatic ecosystems, are sensitive
to environmental changes and are proposed to be indicators of trophic
state. However, the effects of hydrological heterogeneity on the
rotifer community and the ability of rotifer indices to reflect trophic
state across different water bodies are still unclear. Here, we
investigated rotifer community structure in different seasons in the
three types of water bodies: Han river downstream (HD), Reservoir (RE)
and Tidal creek (TC) in Shantou City, Guangdong, China. Our findings
revealed that rotifer community structure differes significantly among
the three water bodies, resulting from a dominance of Keratella cochlearis, Anuraeopsis fissa and Polyarthra vulgaris, who largely accounted for the differences in water bodies. Chlorophyll-a
and transparency were the main environmental drivers in RE rotifer
communities, while total nitrogen, total phosphorus and salinity were
the main factors in HD and TC communities. Rotifer abundance and the
rotifer trophic state index decreased in the order: RE > HD > TC.
However, both the Sladecek’s B/T quotient and the Keratellaindex
decreased in the order: HD > RE > TC, which was in accordance
with the Carlson’s trophic index. We conclude that it is efficient to
use rotifer composition in water quality assessments when comparing
different water bodies. Alpha diversity of rotifers was the highest in
HD, which is consistent with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis.
Hydrological heterogeneity is the micro-factor that regulates rotifer
community structures in the Shantou area.
Key words: Rotifera, Different
habitats, Environmental factors, Trophic state, Intermediate
Citation: Liang
D, Wei N, Wang Q, Jersabek CD, He X, Yang Y. 2019. Influence of
hydrological heterogeneity on rotifer community structure inthree different water bodies in Shantou area, Guangdong (China). Zool Stud 58:23. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-23.