Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.08.06; 09.18)
Lynceus amplopedia sp. nov., A New
Laevicaudatan Clam Shrimp with Asymmetrically Modified Thoracopods from
Yunnan, China (Crustacea: Branchiopoda)
Shu1,2,3, Zandra M. S. Sigvardt4, Xiaoyong Chen2,3,
Jørgen Olesen4, D. Christopher Rogers5,*, and
La-orsri Sanoamuang1,6,*
Taxonomic Research Center, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,
Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
2Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw 05282, Myanmar
3Kunming Institute of Zoology, 650223, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Kunming, China
4Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of
Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
5Kansas Biological Survey and the Natural History
Museum (Biodiversity Institute), Kansas University, Kansas 66047-3759,
USA. *Correspondence: E-mail: branchiopod@gmail.com
6International College, Khon Kaen University, Khon
Kaen 40002, Thailand. *Correspondence: E-mail: la_orsri@kku.ac.th
Received 11 May 2019 / Accepted 26 July 2019
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
Laevicaudata has a nearly global
distribution, but only a few records from China. We present a new Lynceus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda:
Laevicaudata) species, Lynceus
amplopedia sp. nov., from Yunnan, China, which shows significant
left-right differences in some non-clasper thoracopods. It can be
distinguished from all congeners by asymmetrically modified thoracopods
III–VI. In the ‘explanate modified’ side (usually the left side,
occasionally the right) the following modifications are present:
endites 4, 5, and endopod enlarged (explanate) (thoracopods III and
IV); exopod with 14–15 digitiform processes dorsomedially (thoracopods
V and VI); and broad muscular basis (thoracopods III–V). The following
modifications are seen in the thoracopods of the opposing ‘spinose
modified’ side (usually the right side, occasionally the left): endite
4 with robust, specialized spines medially (thoracopods V and VI);
endite 3 elongate protruding (thoracopod VI), and broad muscular basis
(thoracopod V). Other unique characters of the new species include:
male and female rostrum sinuate, compound eyes protruding, male
claspers with endopod constricted, and endite 3 with two scale patches.
We suggest the modified thoracopods may be involved in mating and/or
respiration. The diversity of Chinese Lynceus
is also discussed.
Key words: Laevicaudata,
Diversity, New species, Modified thoracopods, Lateral asymmetry.
Citation: Shu S, Sigvardt ZMS, Chen X,
Olesen J, Rogers DC, Sanoamuang L. 2019. Lynceus amplopedia sp. nov., a new
laevicaudatan clam shrimp with asymmetrically modified thoracopods from
Yunnan, China (Crustacea: Branchiopoda). Zool Stud 58:28. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-28.