Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.07.05; 09.19)
Early Larval Development and
Annual Gametogenesis of the Brooding Oyster Ostrea
circumpicta (Pilsbry,
1904) in the Shallow Subtidal Benthic Ecosystem in Jeju Island, Off the
South Coast of Korea
Lim1, Hye-Mi Lee1, Hee-Do Jeung1,2,
Ronald G. Noseworthy1, Sukgeun Jung1, and
Kwang-Sik Choi1,3,*
of Marine Biomedical Science (BK21 PLUS), Jeju National University, 102
Jejudaehakno, Jeju 63243, Republic of Korea. E-mail: wings198@gmail.com
(Lim), hmlee@jejunu.ac.kr (Lee), hdjeung83@korea.kr (Jeung),
rgnshells@yahoo.ca (Noseworthy), sjung@jejunu.ac.kr (Jung)
2Tidal Flat Research Institute, National Institute of
Fisheries Science (NIFS), Kunsan 54014, Republic of Korea
Science Institute, Jeju National University, Jeju Self-Governing
Province 63333, Republic of Korea. *Correspondence: Tel:
+82-64-754-3422. Fax: +82-64-756-3493. E-mail: skchoi@jejunu.ac.kr
Received 23 March 2019 / Accepted 29 June 2019
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
The subtropical brooding oyster Ostrea (= Striostrea) circumpicta (Pilsbry, 1904) occurs
at high density in the shallow, subtidal, rocky bottom in Jeju Island,
off the south coast of Korea, where the sea surface temperature and
salinity varies annually from 13 to 25°C and 30 to 33 ppt,
respectively. In this study, the annual gametogenesis and early larval
development of O. circumpicta
was examined, using histology and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Histology indicated that the females and males initiated gonial mitosis
in September, shortly after sexual resting in August. In December, ripe
eggs first appeared in the follicles, and most of the females exhibited
fully mature oocytes in May, as the water temperature reached 17 to
18°C. Spawning females were dominant in June and July, when the
trochophore and straithinged veliger larvae were also identified in the
branchial chambers, their size ranging from 111 to 130 μm and 135–205
μm in diameter, respectively. The veliger larvae in the brooding
chamber exhibited a well-developed velum and digestive tract,
suggesting that the larvae are engaged in feeding in the branchial
chamber. Unlike other marine bivalves in temperate coastal ecosystems, O. circumpicta has a long period of
gonad maturation and a short resting phase. It has been believed that
such a long period of reproductive maturation is associated with a low
level of food in the environment and the comparatively large size of
the oocytes, which may require a relatively longer time to accumulate
necessary nutrients to produce large eggs in a food-poor environment.
Key words: Ostrea circumpicta, Larval
development, Gametogenesis, Microscopy, Jeju Island Korea.
Lim NL, Lee HM, Jeung HD, Noseworthy RG, Jung S, Choi KS. 2019. Early
larval development and annual gametogenesis of the brooding oyster
Ostrea circumpicta (Pilsbry, 1904) in the shallow subtidal benthic
ecosystem in Jeju Island, off the south coast of Korea. 58:29. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-29.