Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.08.23; 10.18)
Utilization of DNA Barcodes for the
Identification of Larval Fishes in Tropical Estuarine Waters (Malacca
Straits, Malaysia)
Chu1, Kar Hoe Loh1, Ching Ching Ng2,
Ai Lin Ooi3, Yoshinobu Konishi4, Shih-Pin Huang5,
and Ving Ching Chong2,*
of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. E-mail: cecilia@siswa.um.edu.my (Chu); khloh@um.edu.my (Loh)
2Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. *Correspondence: E-mail:
chong@um.edu.my. E-mail: ccng@um.edu.my (Ng)
3Department of Agricultural and Food Science, Faculty
of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Perak. E-mail:
4Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute,
Nagasaki, Japan. E-mail: ykoni21080@gmail.com
5Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei
115, Taiwan. E-mail: huangshihpin@gmail.com
Received 3 April 2019 / Accepted 18 August 2019
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
Larval descriptions of tropical
marine and coastal fishes are very few, and this taxonomic problem is
further exacerbated by the high diversity of fish species in these
waters. Nonetheless, accurate larval identification in ecological and
early life history studies of larval fishes is crucial for fishery
management and habitat protection. The present study aimed to evaluate
the usefulness of DNA barcodes to support larval fish identification
since conventional dichotomous keys based on morphological traits are
not efficient due to the lack of larval traits and the rapid
morphological changes during ontogeny. Our molecular analysis uncovered
a total of 48 taxa (21 families) from the larval samples collected from
the Klang Strait waters encompassing both spawning and nursery grounds
of marine and estuarine fishes. Thirty-two (67%) of the larval taxa
were identified at the species level, two taxa (4%) at the genus level,
and 14 taxa (29%) at family level. The relatively low rate of
species-level identification is not necessarily due to the DNA
barcoding method per se, but a general lack of reference sequences for
speciose and non-commercial fish families such as Gobiidae, Blenniidae,
and Callionymidae. Larval morphology remains important in species
diagnoses when molecular matches are ambiguous. A lower ethanol
percentage (50%) for larva preservation is also useful to keep the body
of larvae intact for morphological identification, and to preserve DNA
for subsequent molecular analyses. The 10% Chelex resin used to extract
DNA is also cost-effective for long term monitoring of larval fishes.
Hence, the DNA barcoding method is an effective and easy way to aid the
identification of estuarine larval fishes at the species level.
Key words: Molecular
identification, Morphology, Fish larvae, Coastal fishes,
Chu C, Loh KH, Ng CC, Ooi AL, Konishi Y, Huang SP, Chong VC. 2019.
Utilization of DNA barcodes for the identification of larval fishes in
tropical estuarine waters (Malacca Straits, Malaysia). Zool Stud 58:30. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-30.
Materials: Table
S1 | Table
| Fig. S1
| Fig. S2 | Fig. S3 | Fig. S4 | Fig. S5 | Fig. S6