Vol. 59, 2020
(update: 2020.07.09; 08.05)
Special Issue: Fossil and Modern Clam Shrimp (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata, Laevicaudata)
The World’s First Clam Shrimp
Symposium: Drawing Paleontology and Biology Together
A. Hegna1 and and D. Christopher Rogers2
of Geology and Environmental Sciences, SUNY Fredonia, 203 Jewett Hall,
280 Central Avenue, Fredonia, NY 14063, USA. E-mail: thomas.hegna@fredonia.edu (Hegna)
Biological Survey, and The Biodiversity Institute, The University of
Kansas, Higuchi Hall, 2101 Constant Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047-3759,
USA. E-mail:
Branchiopod@gmail.com (Rogers)
(Received 16 June 2020 / Accepted 16
June 2020)
Special issue (articles 32-46) communicated by Thomas A. Hegna and D. Christopher Rogers
a symposium and special issue devoted to the study of clam shrimp, it
is tempting to ask what is next… where is the study of clam shrimp
going? Rather than try to read the tea leaves to predict the future, we
will instead offer some closing thoughts on where the study of clam
shrimp should go and what areas are ripe for investigation. Many of
these ideas integrate both fossil and modern clam shrimp to get at a
more complete view of their evolution and ecology.
Citation: Hegna TA, Rogers DC. 2020. The
world’s first clam shrimp symposium: drawing paleontology and biology
together. Zool Stud 59:46.
