Vol. 59, 2020
(update: 2020.10.15; 11.16)
Ontogenetic Development Related
to Parental Care of a Neotropical Fish, Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
B. Araujo1,* and Francisco
Lab, Department of Zoology and Botany, Universidade Estadual Paulista,
R. Cristóvão Colombo 2265, 15054-000, São José do Rio Preto, SP,
Brazil. *Correspondence: E-mail: renatobraz1970@gmail.com (Araujo).
Tel: +55-17-3224-5938.
E-mail: francisco.langeani@unesp.br (Langeani)
Received 18 May 2020 / Accepted 17
September 2020
Communicated by Felipe Ottoni
study describes the main ontogenetic changes in the armored catfish Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii from
newly hatched larva to adult. The relationship between the degree of
development of newly hatched larvae and post-larvae and parental care
is discussed. Ontogenetic series containing newly hatched larvae,
post-larvae, and juveniles of P.
ambrosettii were obtained from the Fish Culture Station of
Universidade Estadual Paulista. Adult specimens were collected from the
Preto River in the upper Paraná River basin. Morphological,
osteological, morphometric, and meristic data and color pattern were
analyzed. The species exhibited indirect development, with a distinct
post-larval stage after the larval stage. Newly hatched larvae had a
well-developed yolk sac and lacked pigmentation. The following
characters underwent less change during development and can therefore
be useful in taxonomical analyses: odontodes located posteriorly to the
preopercle, number of plates on the lateral line, lower lip with three
series of papillae, spots on the upper ray of the caudal fin, caudal
fin similar to that of the adult, body ventrally covered with dermal
plates and odontodes, small irregular spots on head, and typical
ventral color pattern of the adult. The morphometric data revealed that
most variation in body proportions occurred during less advanced
developmental stages. Parental care influenced the ontogenetic
development of newly hatched larvae.
Key words: Armored catfish,
Behavior, Larval development, Morphology, Neotropics.
Citation: Araujo RB, Langeani F. 2020.
Ontogenetic development related to parental care of a neotropical fish,
Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae). Zool Stud 59:56. doi:10.6620/ZS.2020.59-56.
