Vol. 60, 2021
(update: 2021.01.06; 02.02)
Two New Species and a Further
Country Record of the Caridean Shrimp Genus Periclimenaeus Borradaile, 1915
from Korea (Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Park1,* and Sammy De Grave2
of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic
of Korea. *Correspondence: E-mail: jhpark1985@gmail.com (Park). Tel:
2Oxford University Museum of
Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW, United Kingdom. E-mail:
sammy.degrave@oum.ox.ac.uk (De Grave)
Received 24 October 2020 / Accepted 14
December 2020
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
new species of the palaemonid genus Periclimenaeus
are described and illustrated from Korea; additionally, a third species
is recorded from Korea for the first time. Periclimenaeus karantina
sp. nov. was obtained from ascidian hosts. The species has a
denticulate dactylus on both second pereiopods, considered to be
typical for ascidian associates. It can be separated from related
species by the combination of the following characters: the carpocerite
overreaching the anterior margin of the scaphocerite; the distolateral
tooth of the scaphocerite exceeding the anterior margin of the lamella;
the dactylus of the minor chela exceeding the fixed finger; and the
ambulatory dactyli furnished with a minute proximal tooth. Periclimenaeus apomonosi sp. nov.
was obtained from sponge hosts, and belongs to the P. robustus
species-group, on account of the developed anterior median lobe on the
tergite of the first abdominal somite. It can be distinguished from
related species by the combination of the presence of a supraorbital
tooth; the presence of a pointed process on the inferior orbital angle;
the distolateral tooth of the scaphocerite terminating level with the
anterior margin of the lamella; the antennal carpocerite reaching about
0.6 of the scaphocerite; the first and second chelae with non-serrated
cutting edges; the ischium and merus of the second pereiopods
harbouring tubercles on the ventral margin; and the ambulatory dactyli
with a distal accessory tooth and the corpus furnished with denticles,
ventrally. The sponge associated species, Periclimenaeus djboutensis,
relatively widespread across the Indo-Pacific, is reported for the
first time from Korea in Geomundo Island. Asides from a morphological
description of all three species, molecular information of two genetic
markers (16S + COI) is
provided to aid in future phylogenetic reconstructions of the genus.
Key words: Caridea, Periclimenaeus spp. nov., Jejudo
Island, Korea, Indo-West Pacific.
Citation: Park JH, De Grave S. 2021. Two
new species and a further country record of the caridean shrimp genus Periclimenaeus Borradaile, 1915
from Korea (Decapoda: Palaemonidae). Zool Stud 60:1. doi:10.6620/ZS.2021.60-01.
