Vol. 60, 2021
(update: 2021.07.08; 10.08)
Ecological Role of Cyprideis torosa and Heterocypris salina (Crustacea,
Ostracoda) in Saline Rivers of the Lake Elton Basin: Abundance,
Biomass, Production, Fatty Acids
A. Gusakov1,* , Olesia N.
Makhutova2,3 , Michail
Gladyshev2,3 ,
Larisa V. Golovatyuk4 ,
and Tatiana D. Zinchenko4
Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences,
109, Borok, Nekouzskii raion, Yaroslavl oblast, 152742, Russia.
*Correspondence: Е-mail: gusakov@ibiw.ru (Gusakov)
2Institute of Biophysics of Federal Research Center
“Krasnoyarsk Science Center” of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia. Е-mail:
makhutova@ibp.krasn.ru (Makhutova); glad@ibp.ru (Gladyshev)
3Siberian Federal University, Svobodny av. 79,
Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia.
4Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS,
Institute of Ecology of Volga River Basin RAS, Komzina str. 10,
Togliatti 445003, Russia. E-mail: gollarisa@mail.ru (Golovatyuk);
zinchenko.tdz@yandex.ru (Zinchenko)
Received 11 November 2020 / Accepted
10 June 2021
Communicated by Ryuji Machidas
Saline rivers are highly productive
ecosystems in arid regions. The meiobenthic community (bottom
meiofauna) and its dominant representatives are one of the least
studied components of these aquatic ecosystems. Ostracods Cyprideis torosa and Heterocypris salina are major
consumers among the species of bottom meiofauna in saline rivers
flowing into the hyperhaline Lake Elton (Volgograd Region, Russia). We
estimated the abundance, biomass and production of C. torosa, the dominant species at
the mouth of the polyhaline Chernavka River (average salinity is ~30 g l-1),
and H. salina, the dominant
species at the mouth of the mesohaline Bolshaya Samoroda River (~13 g l-1),
in spring (May) and summer (August). Additionally, we studied the
composition and content of fatty acids of the ostracods and their
potential food sources (bottom sediments with bacterial-algal mats). We
found that the abundance and biomass (wet weight with shells) of C. torosa in the Chernavka River
and H. salina in the Bolshaya
Samoroda River reached 3.5 × 106 ind. m-2 and 117
g m-2, and 1.1 × 105 ind. m-2 and 12 g
m-2, respectively. The first species formed on average about
85% of the total abundance and 96% of the total biomass of the
meiobenthos, and the second one, about 13% and 31%, respectively. The
daily production of C. torosa
and H. salina can reach 249
and 36 mg m-2 ash-free dry weight, respectively. The results
indicate that these species may play an important role in the total
flow of matter and energy in the studied habitats. Based on the fatty
acid (FA) composition of the ostracods and their food sources, it was
found that C. torosa mainly
consumed diatoms, while H. salina
preferred bacteria, cyanobacteria, and green algae. Differences between
the species were greater than differences between the bottom sediments
from the rivers. It may mean that the ostracods selectively consumed
different food items that may be related to the different nutrient
requirements of the species. Seasonal changes in the FA compositions of
the ostracods were higher than in their food sources (bottom
sediments), which also indicates selective feeding of the species.
Key words: Saline rivers,
Ostracods, Diet, Fatty acid markers.
Citation: Gusakov VA, Makhutova ON,
Gladyshev MI, Golovatyuk LV, Zinchenko TD. 2021. Ecological role of Cyprideis torosa and Heterocypris salina (Crustacea,
Ostracoda) in saline rivers of the Lake Elton basin: abundance,
biomass, production, fatty acids. Zool Stud 60:53. doi:10.6620/ZS.2021.60-53.

Materials: Appendix