Vol. 61, 2022
(update: 2022.3.16)
Historical Biogeography of the Leptodactylus fuscus Group (Anura,
Leptodactylidae): Identification of Ancestral Areas and Events that
Modeled their Distribution
Matías E. Cáffaro1, Regina G.
Medina2,3,*, María L. Ponssa4, and Juan M. Díaz
de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino (CONICET-UNSa), Avenida 9
de julio 14, CP 4405, Rosario de Lerma, Salta, Argentina. E-mail:
caffaromatias32@gmail.com (Cáffaro)
2Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical (CONICET-
UNT), Horco Molle, Yerba Buena, Tucumán, Argentina. Cátedra de Biología
Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, U.N.T. Miguel Lillo 205, San
Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. * Correspondence: E-mail:
regina.g.medina@gmail.com (Medina)
3Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias
Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
4Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (CONICET-FML). Miguel Lillo
251, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. E-mail: mlponssa@hotmail.com
5Cátedra de Diversidad Biológica IV, Facultad de
Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Salta, Argentina.
E-mail: jmdiaz@unsa.edu.ar (Gómez)
Received 21 March 2021 / Accepted 20
December 2021
Communicated by Sheng-Feng Shen
The objective of the present study
was to reconstruct the biogeographic history of the monophyletic group
of frogs Leptodactylus fuscus.
We carried out two complementary historical biogeographic approaches:
one estimates the ancestral areas with the statistical dispersion and
vicariance method (S-DIVA). The other detects disjoint distributions
among sister groups, which provides information about barriers that
separate populations through a spatial analysis of vicariance (VIP
method). For that, we used a database of species presence records and a
topology of a phylogenetic cladogram, both obtained from updated
published data that incorporates the current phylogenetic, taxonomic
and distributional arrangements for the group. For the analysis of
ancestral areas, the following areas of the L. fuscus
group distribution area were used: the Caribbean, Chacoan, Parana,
Amazonian and North American in Pacific subregions. The optimal reconstruction
obtained with S-DIVA showed five vicariance events, two extinctions and
50 dispersals. The spatial analysis of vicariance revealed 19
disjointed sibling nodes and two distributions on nodes removed in the
consensus tree. The results suggest that the ancestor of the Leptodactylus fuscus
group occupied large areas within the Amazon and Chacoan subregions.
Due to several dispersal events, the ancestor distribution range may
have expanded to the Caribbean subregion. This expansion could have
occurred during wetter periods, when forests were more extensive, which
would have allowed the invasion of open habitats within humid forest
systems. It is important to note that ecological factors and marine
transgressions that occurred during the Miocene could have had a great
influence on the current distribution of the group.
Key words: Ancestor,
Biogeographic methods, Miocene, Vicariance, Distribution.
Citation: Cáffaro ME, Medina RG, Ponssa
ML, Díaz Gómez JM. 2022. Historical biogeography of the Leptodactylus fuscus group (Anura,
Leptodactylidae): identification of ancestral areas and events that
modeled their distribution. Zool Stud 61:5. doi:10.6620/ZS.2022.61-05.
materials: Table S1
| Table S2 | Table S3 | Fig. S1