Vol. 61, 2022
(update: 2022.3.18)
Seasonal Distribution of the
Broad-Tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus
platycercus): A Climatic Approach
Norma Hernández-Hernández1,
Claudio Mota-Vargas1,
Carlos Lara2, and Octavio Rojas-Soto1,*
de Bioclimatología, Instituto de Ecología A.C. Carretera Antigua a
Coatepec 351, El Haya, 91073 Xalapa, Veracruz, México. *Correspondence:
E-mail: octavio.rojas@inecol.mx (Rojas-Soto).
E-mail: norma.alicia.hh@gmail.com (Hernández-Hernández);
claudio.mota@inecol.mx (Mota-Vargas)
de Investigación en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de
Tlaxcala, Km. 10.5 Autopista Tlaxcala-San Martín Texmelucan, San Felipe
Ixtacuixtla, Tlaxcala 90120, México. E-mail:
carlos.lara.rodriguez@gmail.com (Lara)
Received 4 September 2021 / Accepted
11 March 2022
Communicated by Chih-Ming Hung
seasonal movements of birds are a phenomenon that has historically been
of interest in ecology and biogeography. Despite this, information on
how environmental conditions influence migratory behavior and its
regulation is still scarce. In this work, we study the Broad-Tailed
hummingbird Selasphorus platycercus
from an analysis of its populations through longitudinal and
latitudinal gradients. We use the frequencies of monthly presence
records throughout the annual cycle to identify the breeding areas
(corresponding to the summer months), of winter presence (corresponding
to the winter months), and annual residence (presence records
throughout the year). Subsequently, we use ecological niche models to
reconstruct the potential distribution of the summer and winter niches
by correlating the climates of each season with the corresponding
records. We evaluate the species’ climatic preferences between the
breeding and winter seasons by transferring the niches from each season
to the opposite and by their capacity to inter-predict records between
seasons. In addition, we quantify the overlap between the summer and
winter niches using a niche similarity analysis. Geographically, we see
a clear seasonal turnover pattern along a north-south gradient and
records throughout the year (resident populations) in the south-central
region of its distribution. We observed a low inter-prediction of
records between seasons. Together with the similarity analysis, we
suggest that the species is niche-switching (i.e., has different seasonal
niches). We identified three seasonal migration
patterns among the species’ populations: long-distance migratory,
short-distance summer migrant, and resident. Our findings suggest that
the different migration patterns in this species' populations all over
its distribution can be explained through seasonal climatic variations
throughout the year.
Key words: Environmental
similarity, Migration, Seasonal climate niche, Seasonal turnover,
Temporal ecology.
Hernández-Hernández N, Mota-Vargas C, Lara C, Rojas-Soto O. 2022.
Seasonal distribution of the broad-tailed hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus): a
climatic approach. Zool Stud 61:23. doi:10.6620/ZS.2022.61-23.
materials: Appendix