Vol. 61, 2022
(update: 2022.9.16)
Roosting-site Selection by
Overwintering Blacknecked Cranes in the Caohai Wetland, Guizhou
Province, China: Implications for Conservation Management
Xue Gou1,2, Yuan Zhu1,2, Xijiao Sun2,3, Chanshi Hu2,4, Mingming Zhang1,2, Romaan Hayat Khattak5, and
Haijun Su1,2,*
College, Guizhou University, Guizhou 550025, China. *Correspondence:
E-mail: hjsu@gzu.edu.cn (Su).
E-mail: 2362125320@qq.com (Gou); 2059887461@qq.com (Zhu);
mmzhang@gzu.edu.cn (Zhang)
2Research Center for Biodiversity and Natural
Conservation, Guizhou University, Guizhou 550025, China. E-mail: 1107617211@qq.com (Sun)
Bureau of Buyi and Miao Minorities Autonomous Prefecture, Xingyi,
Guizhou Province, 562400, China
4College of Life Sciences, Guizhou University, Guizhou
550025, China. E-mail: cshu@gzu.edu.cn (Hu)
of Wildlife and Protected Areas, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin
150040, China. E-mail: romaanktk@gmail.com (Khattak)
Received 4 August 2021 / Accepted 4
May 2022
Communicated by Chih-Ming Hung
and high-quality roosting-sites are crucial for the survival of
migratory wading birds in winter. The black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis)
is the only crane species that lives on the Tibetan plateau for its
entire life. Every year, black-necked cranes routinely migrate to the
wetlands on the southern lower plateau and roost at wetland sites.
Currently, many roosting-sites are under threat from wetland
degradation resulting from human disturbance, and changes in water
depths and the landscape environment. To understand how the
black-necked crane selects roosting-sites given these influencing
factors, we conducted a study in the Caohai wetland in China by
comparing and modeling the selection of roosting habitat. The
vegetation factors mainly included the vegetation height of the swamp
patch where the roosting-site was located (VHP) and the vegetation
height in the roosting-site (VHR), and the geographic factors mainly
included the height of the nearest hill (HNH) and the visible range
(VR). These four factors were first considered by the black-necked
cranes when choosing roosting-sites on the lakeshore. The roosting-site
selection model of black-necked cranes was fitted as (P = eLogit(p) / (1 + eLogit(p)) Logit(p) = 1.243 + 8.397(VHP) - 7.999(VHR) -
4.105(HNH) + 1.584(VR)). In the Caohai wetland, black-necked cranes
preferred roosting-sites away from human disturbances, such as
villages/settlements and roads, and where the distance to main roads
was > 1,300 m, the distance to villages/residential areas was >
650 m, the distance to rural/service roads was > 500 m, the
relatively open area with surrounding hills had a relative height <
15 m, the visible range area was > 550,000 m2, and the
shallow swamp area had a water depth of < 5 cm with a vegetation
height of < 15 cm. Outside the area of the roosting-site, the
surrounding vegetation height was 35 cm–60 cm. We believe that human
disturbance, not energy savings or heat loss, was the main factor
influencing crane roost site selection. We first gathered data about
black-necked crane selection of roosting-sites in a highly complex
wetland system. Based on our findings, we strongly recommend
appropriately managing the habitat patches in the Caohai wetland, which
will have implications for the conservation management of overwintering
black-necked cranes in wetlands.
Key words: Caohai, China, Grus nigricollis, Human
disturbance, Overwintering wetlands, Roosting.
Gou X, Zhu Y, Sun X, Hu C, Zhang M, Khattak RH, Su H. 2022.
Roosting-site selection by overwintering black-necked cranes in the
Caohai wetland, Guizhou Province, China: implications for conservation
management. Zool Stud 61:36. doi:10.6620/ZS.2022.61-36.
materials: Fig. S1丨Fig. S2丨Fig. S3丨Fig. S4