Vol. 61, 2022
(update: 2022.11.22)
The Arthropod Associates of 155
North American Cynipid Oak Galls
K.G. Ward1, Robert W. Busbee2,
Rachel A. Chen3,
Charles K. Davis4, Amanda L. Driscoe2, Scott P.
Egan4, Bailey A.R. Goldberg1,
Glen Ray Hood5,
Dylan G. Jones3, Adam J. Kranz6, Shannon A.
Meadely-Dunphy7, Alyson K. Milks3,
James R. Ott2,
Kirsten M. Prior3, Sofia I. Sheikh1, Shih-An Shzu4,
Kelly L. Weinersmith4, Linyi Zhang4, Y. Miles
Zhang8, and Andrew A. Forbes1,*
of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52245, USA.
*Correspondence: E-mail: andrew-forbes@uiowa.edu (Forbes).
E-mail: anna-k-ward@uiowa.edu (Ward); bailey-goldberg@uiowa.edu
(Goldberg); sisheikh@uchicago.edu (Sheikh)
2Department of Biology, Texas State University, San
Marcos, TX 78666, USA. E-mail: rwb77@txstate.edu (Busbee);
amanda.driscoe@gmail.com (Driscoe); jimott@txstate.edu (Ott)
3Biological Sciences, Binghamton University,
Binghamton, NY 13902, USA. E-mail: rchen78@binghamton.edu (Chen);
djones41@binghamton.edu (Jones); amilks1@binghamton.edu (Milks);
kprior@binghamton.edu (Prior)
4Department of BioSciences, Rice University, Houston,
Texas 77005, USA. E-mail: ckd.ento.eco.evo@gmail.com (Davis);
spe1@rice.edu (Egan); shihan.shzu@gmail.com (Shzu);
kelly.weinersmith@gmail.com (Weinersmith); linyizhangecnu@gmail.com
5Department of Biological Science, Wayne State
University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA. E-mail: glenrayhood@wayne.edu (Hood)
6Gallformers.org. E-mail: adamjameskranz@gmail.com
7Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec H3A 0G4, Canada. E-mail: shannon.meadleydunphy@mail.mcgill.ca
8Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, c/o
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 20560, USA.
E-mail: yuanmeng.zhang@gmail.com (Zhang)
Received 28 April 2022 / Accepted 25
July 2022
Communicated by Jen-Pan Huang
identities of most arthropod associates of cynipid-induced oak galls in
the western Palearctic are generally known. However, a comprehensive
accounting of associates has been performed for only a small number of
the galls induced by the estimated 700 species of cynipid gall wasps in
the Nearctic. This gap in knowledge stymies many potential studies of
diversity, coevolution, and community ecology, for which oak gall
systems are otherwise ideal models. We report rearing records of
insects and other arthropods from more than 527,306 individual galls
representing 201 different oak gall types collected from 32 oak tree
species in North America. Of the 201 gall types collected, 155 produced
one or more arthropods. A total of 151,075 arthropods were found in
association with these 155 gall types, and of these 61,044 (40.4%) were
gall wasps while 90,031 (59.6%) were other arthropods. We identified
all arthropods to superfamily, family, or, where possible, to genus. We
provide raw numbers and summaries of collections, alongside notes on
natural history, ecology, and previously published associations for
each taxon. For eight common gall-associated genera (Synergus, Ceroptres, Euceroptres, Ormyrus, Torymus, Eurytoma, Sycophila, and Euderus), we also connect rearing
records to gall wasp phylogeny, geography, and ecology - including host
tree and gall location (host organ), and their co-occurrence with other
insect genera. Though the diversity of gall wasps and the large size of
these communities is such that many Nearctic oak gall-associated
insects still remain undescribed, this large collection and
identification effort should facilitate the testing of new and varied
ecological and evolutionary hypotheses in Nearctic oak galls.
Key words: Cynipini, Gall,
Diversity, Synergus, Torymus, Ormyrus.
Citation: Ward AKG, Busbee RW, Chen RA,
Davis CK, Driscoe AL, Egan SP, Goldberg BAR, Hood GR, Jones DG, Kranz
AJ, Meadely-Dunphy SA, Milks AK, Ott JR, Prior KM, Sheikh SI, Shzu SA,
Weinersmith KL, Zhang L, Zhang YM, Forbes AA. 2022. The arthropod
associates of 155 North American cynipid oak galls. Zool Stud 61:57.
materials: Fig. S1
| Table S1 | Table S2