Vol. 61, 2022
(update: 2022.11.29)
Determining the Dietary
Preferences of Wild Asian Elephants (Elephas
maximus) in Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia Based on Sex
and Age using trnL DNA Metabarcoding Analysis
Akmal Fawwazah Abdullah-Fauzi1, Kayal Vizi Karuppannan2,
Nor Hafisa Syafina Mohd-Radzi1, Millawati Gani1,2,
Abd Rahman Mohd-Ridwan1,3, Nursyuhada Othman4,5,
Hidayah Haris4,5, Nur Hartini Sariyati4,5, Nor
Rahman Aifat1,6, Muhammad Abu Bakar
Mohd Firdaus Ariff Abdul-Razak2, and Badrul Munir Md-Zain1,*
of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor,
Malaysia. *Correspondence: E-mail: abgbadd1966@yahoo.com (Md-Zain).
E-mail: fatihanafaf97@gmail.com (Abdullah-Fauzi); E-mail:
norhafisasyafina@gmail.com (Mohd-Radzi)
2Department of Wildlife and National Parks
(PERHILITAN), KM 10 Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail:
kayalvizi@wildlife.gov.my (Karuppannan); millawati@wildlife.gov.my
(Gani); mfirdaus@wildlife.gov.my (Abdul-Razak)
3Centre for Pre-University Studies, Universiti
Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia. E-mail:
armridwan@unimas.my (Mohd-Ridwan)
4Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 84600 Johor, Malaysia. E-mail:
syuothman@gmail.com (Othman); hidyharis@gmail.com (Haris);
hartini3297@gmail.com (Sariyati); latiff@uthm.edu.my (Abdul-Latiff)
5Oasis Integrated Group (OIG), Institute for
Integrated Engineering (I2E), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
86400 Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
6Faculty of Tropical Forestry, Universiti Malaysia
Sabah (UMS), Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. E-mail:
aifat89@gmail.com (Aifat)
Received 10 October 2021 / Accepted 11
August 2022
Communicated by Teng-Chiu Lin
world’s largest terrestrial mammal, Asian elephants are known to have
enormous feeding needs. Several factors such as season, sex, age, and
daily activities of elephants influence the amount of food required by
an individual. Generally, captive elephants have a limited choice of
food on a daily basis compared with that of elephants in the wild.
Elephants in captivity are fed according to a prepared feeding
schedule, whereas wild elephants are free to choose the type of plants
that they consume in their natural habitat. In the past, ecological
observations have been widely used to determine the diet of wild
elephants. However, the molecular approach was never been carried out.
In the present study, the aim was to; 1) identify the plant diet of
wild Asian elephants in Taman Negara National Park (TNNP) according to
their sex and age using high-throughput DNA metabarcoding 2) determine
the dietary formulation of captive elephants based on the generated
plant metabarcoding database. DNA was extracted from 24 individual
fecal samples collected using noninvasive sampling techniques from TNNP
and the National Elephant Conservation Centre (NECC) Kuala Gandah.
Seven pooled samples comprising of male adult, female adult, male
subadult, female subadult, male juvenile, female juvenile, and captive
elephant were amplified and sequenced targeting the trnL region (50–150
base pairs). The CLC Genomic Workbench and PAST 4.02 software were used
for data analysis. In total, 24 orders, 41 families, 233 genera, and
306 species of plants were successfully detected in the diet of the
Asian elephants. The most abundant plant genera consumed were Sporobolus (21.88%), Musa (21.48%), and Ficus (10.80%). Plant variation was
lower in samples from male elephants than in those from female
elephants. The plant species identified were correlated with the
nutrient benefits required by elephants. Besides, adults and subadults
consumed more plant species than were consumed by juvenile elephants.
However, there are no significant difference between ages and the two
sexes. The findings of this study can be used as guidance by the
Department of Wildlife and National Parks for the management of captive
elephants, especially in NECC Kuala Gandah.
Key words: Fecal, Captivity,
Peninsular Malaysia, Next-generation sequencing.
Citation: Abdullah-Fauzi NAF, Karuppannan
KV, Mohd-Radzi NHS, Gani M, Mohd-Ridwan AR, Othman N, Haris H, Sariyati
NH, Aifat NR, Abdul-Latiff MAB, Abdul-Razak MFA, and Md-Zain BM. 2022.
Determining the dietary preferences of wild asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Taman Negara
National Park, Malaysia based on sex and age using trnL DNA
metabarcoding analysis. Zool Stud 61:60.