Vol. 61, 2022
(update: 2022.11.16)
Special issue: Systematics and Biogeography of Fiddler Crabs (articles 64–71). Editors: Hsi-Te Shih and Benny K. K. Chan
Systematics and Biogeography of
Fiddler Crabs – A Special Issue in
Zoological Studies
Hsi-Te Shih1, and Benny K. K.
of Life Science and Research Center for Global Change Biology, National
Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan. E-mail:
htshih@dragon.nchu.edu.tw (Shih)
2Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei
115, Taiwan. *Correspondence: E-mail: chankk@gate.sinica.edu.tw (Chan)
Received 30 December 2021 / Accepted
11 August 2022
Communicated by Ryuji Machida
crabs are a fantastic group of intertidal brachyuran crabs, and the
research fields focused on their biodiversity, phylogeography,
phylogenomics, and larval biology are still in developing stages. In
this special issue, seven articles are included focusing on the
diversity, phylogeography, mitogenome phylogeny and larval morphology
of fiddler crabs, covering the regions of the Indo-West Pacific and
Americas. Results from this special issue open up further opportunities
to study new species identification based on an integrative taxonomy
approach, genomic-level phylogeny and larval morphology, especially in
regards to the mitogenomes in the genera Cranuca, Gelasimus, Paraleptuca, and Uca for filling up the knowledge
gap of fiddler crabs in the world.
Key words: Fiddler crabs,
Systematics integrative taxonomy, Mitogenomes, Larval biology,
Citation: Citation: Shih HT, Chan BKK.
2022. Systematics and biogeography of fiddler crabs – a special issue
in Zoological Studies. Zool
Stud 61:64.