Vol. 62, 2023
(update: 2023.3.20)
Annotated Catalog of Vespid
Hosts (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Tachinidae (Diptera), with Description
of a New Species of Ophirion
Townsend from Brazil
Macedo Gudin1,*
de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua
do Matão, Trav. 14, 101, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05508-090, São
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail: filipe.gudin@gmail.com
(Received 6 September 2022 / Accepted
24 November 2022 / Published 20 March 2023)
Communicated by Y. Miles Zhang
Although tachinids parasitize a
wide variety of insects, vespid wasps are not commonly recorded as
hosts. Three lineages of Tachinidae are parasitoids of larvae of
eusocial Vespidae, namely the Old World tribe Anacamptomyiini and some
Neotropical species of the Blondeliini genera Ophirion Townsend and Lixophaga Townsend. The taxonomy of
anacamptomyiine species has been improved and clarified in the last
decades, but Neotropical species of Ophirion and Lixophaga are still
difficult to identify, preventing further studies in the group. I
present here an annotated catalog of vespid hosts of Tachinidae, with
an overview of host use and oviposition strategies of their parasitoid
species. Moreover, I describe a new host record for O. lenkoi sp. nov. Gudin and L. punctata (Townsend), reared from
a nest of Polybia (Myrapetra) scutellaris (White) in Nova Europa,
São Paulo, Brazil. Ophirion lenkoi
sp. nov. is described and L.
punctata is redescribed, with two new junior synonyms proposed:
L. fitzgeraldi (Curran),
syn. nov., and L. dubiosa
(Thompson), syn. nov. I also include illustrations of type material and
discuss the most relevant diagnostic characters for species of both
genera. Lastly, I argue that the biology of Lixophaga species may be a suitable
model to understand how tachinids were able to explore eusocial vespid
Key words: Parasitoid flies, Oviposition
strategy, Meconium, Eusociality, New synonym.
Citation: Gudin FM. 2023. Annotated
catalog of vespid hosts (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Tachinidae
(Diptera), with description of a new species of Ophirion Townsend from Brazil. Zool
Stud 62:06.
