Vol. 62, 2023
(update: 2023.4.24)
Genetic Assessment of Fertile
F1 Hybrids between Two Hercules Beetles, Dynastes maya Hardy and D. grantii Horn (Scarabaeidae)
Huang1,*, Wei-Yun Chen1,
and My Hanh Le1
Research Center, Academia Sinica, Nangang 11529, Taipei, Taiwan.
*Correspondence: E-mail: jphuang@sinica.edu.tw (Huang).
E-mail: Weiyun33@gmail.com (Chen); Lehanh5664@gmail.com (Le)
(Received 25 July 2022 / 4 January
Accepted 2023 / Published 24 April 2023)
Communicated by John Wang
hybridization may complicate taxonomic practices, it can be common
between animal species. Animal hybridization not only can help with
generating phenotypic and species diversity in nature, but also with
understanding the genetic and genomic basis of phenotypic evolution in
the laboratory. We assessed the genetic composition of captive bred F1
hybrids between two Hercules beetle species using mitochondrial CO1
and nuclear loci from a double-digest restriction-site associated DNA
sequencing (ddRADseq) library. We showed that the F1 hybrids were
genetically clustered with samples from the maternal species, D. grantii, based on CO1 data. Nuclear genome data, on the other hand, clearly showed that the F1 individuals were genetically intermediate between D. maya, the paternal species, and D. grantii,
based on a principal component analysis. Our results also revealed that
sampling design may have a major impact on the inferred genetic
structure and hybrid individuals using ddRADseq data sets. We discuss
the importance and potential from studying the genomics of this hybrid
progeny in terms ofunderstanding the origin and maintenance of both intraspecific and interspecific phenotypic divergence and convergence.
Key words: CO1, Dynastes, Hybridization, Hybrid F1,
Genomic, ddRADseq.
Citation: Huang JP, Chen WY, Le MH. 2023.
Genetic assessment of fertile F1 hybrids between two Hercules beetles, Dynastes maya Hardy and D. grantii Horn (Scarabaeidae).
Zool Stud 62:13. doi:10.6620/ZS.2023.62-13.
materials: SM. 1丨
SM. 2丨SM. 3丨SM.4