Vol. 62, 2023
(update: 2023.5.12)
Past, Present and Future of the
Aral Sea - A Review of its Fauna and Flora before and during the
Regression Crisis
S. Plotnikov1, Nikolai
V. Aladin1, Lubov
V. Zhakova1, Jens
Mossin3, and
Jens T. Høeg3,*
Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.
Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: Igor.Plotnikov@zin.ru
(Plotnikov); Nikolai.Aladin@zin.ru
(Aladin); Lubov.Zhakova@zin.ru (Zhakova)
2Gentoftegade 76, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark. E-mail:
jmobranch@gmail.com (Mossin); Lubov.Zhakova@zin.ru (Zhakova)
3Section of Marine Biology, Department of Biology,
University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 4, DK-2100 Copenhagen,
Denmark. *Correspondence: E-mail: jthoeg@bio.ku.dk (Høeg). Phone: +45
28 75 12 47
(Received 21 July 2022 / Accepted 28
January 2023 / Published 12 May 2023)
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
review the past, present and possible future of the Aral Sea system in
context of the human caused regression crisis that resulted in the
drying out of the larger part of this original brackish water sea. The
results are put into the context of other threatened saline lakes and
the general water crisis in the world due to overexploitation of water
resources and climate change. We cover the geographic history and
hydrology from the origin of the sea 17,000 years ago to the present.
The original biota including animals, higher plants and algae are
covered in full detail, and tracked through the regression crisis. We
put special emphasis on fish and fisheries because of their economic
importance for the surrounding populations. We also review the side
effects of the regression in terms of human health and changes to the
terrestrial environment and local climate. We explain the dramatic
improvements to the fauna in the northern Small Aral Sea following the
construction of dams to retain its waters and discuss future options to
further improve this restored water basin. We contrast this with the
progressing hypersalinization of the remnants of the southern Large
Aral Sea, which faces conditions that will eventually render a “Dead
Sea” condition hostile to all metazoan life. We end by highlighting the
partial restoration of the Small Aral Sea as an example of how much
restoration can be achieved for relatively little financial expense and
in a short period, when good ideas, kind hearts and hard work operate
together for the benefit of the environmentand our human society.
Key words: Global Change, Ecology, Saline
Fisheries, Irrigation, Agriculture.
Citation: Plotnikov IS, Aladin NV, Zhakova
LV, Mossin J, Høeg JT. 2023. Past, present and future of the Aral Sea -
A review of its fauna and flora before and during the regression
crisis. Zool Stud 62:19.