Vol. 62, 2023
(update: 2023.5.26)
Seaward Migration and Larval
Release Coincide with Lunar and Light-dark Cycles in Supratidal Land
Crabs Cardisoma carnifex and Epigrapsus notatus
Chung-Chieh Chang1,
Kent A. Hatch2,
Chia-Hsuan Hsu3,
Wenbe Hwang1,
Hung-Chang Liu4,*,
and Yuan-Mou Chang1,*
of Ecology and Environmental Resources, National University of Tainan,
33 Su-Lin Street, Section 2, Tainan 700, Taiwan. *Correspondence:
E-mail: changyuanmou@gmail.com (YM Chang).
E-mail: jsd995@gmail.com (CC Chang); wenbehwang@mail.nutn.edu.tw (Hwang)
2Department of Biology, Long Island University – Post,
Brookville, NY, USA. E-mail: kent.hatch@liu.edu (Hatch)
Association for Marine Environmental Education, No. 5, Lane 111,
Section 2, Zhiyuan 1st Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11289,
Taiwan. Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Environmental
Studies, Tsukuba, Japan, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506,
Japan. E-mail: johnson20535@hotmail.com (Hsu)
4Unaffiliated, 53, Chenggong 11th St., Jhubei City,
Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan. *Correspondence: E-mail:
labuanium@gmail.com (Liu)
E-mail: changyuanmou@gmail.com (YM Chang)
(Received 11 October 2022 / Accepted
10 February 2023 / Published 26 May 2023)
Communicated by Yoko Nozawa
Herein we investigated the
synchronous breeding migration and larval release of ovigerous females
in two dominant supratidal land crabs Cardisoma
carnifex and Epigrapsus
notatus in the mixed semidiurnal tidal regime in Taijiang
National Park (Tainan, Taiwan). We mainly focused on the monthly and
daily rhythms during the breeding season of migration and larval
release for these two crabs. We also sought to understand what the main
environmental cues were for these monthly and diel rhythms. Both lunar
and tidal amplitude cycles are potential proximate causes for the
monthly lunar/semilunar reproductive rhythm in crabs. Likewise, either
the 24-hour (diel) light cycle or tidal cycle can act as the proximate
cause for diel reproduction rhythm, and we investigated which one was
the main factor that entrains the diel rhythm for these two species. We
found that the season of migration and larval release in C. carnifex occured mainly between
June and September during the rainy season while those of E. notatus occurred mainly between
September and October, near the end of the rainy season. Regarding the
rhythm of migration and larval release in monthly time scale, C. carnifex exhibited a semilunar
rhythm following the syzygies and E. notatus exhibited a lunar rhythm
following the full moon. However, these rhythms did not occur with the
maximum amplitude nocturnal and diurnal high tides. This implies that
the lunar cycle is a more important environmental cue than the tidal
amplitude in the entrainment of the synchronous monthly breeding rhythm
for these two species. This pattern is different from other intertidal
crabs, most of which use the tidal amplitude cycle as the main
environmental cue for larval release. In addition to Chiromantes haematocheir (a
supratidal crab), our study provided two more species that live in the
supratidal zone time their reproduction with respect to the lunar light
cycle and independent of the tide amplitude cycles. For the diel
rhythm, both species migrated to the shore and released larvae in the
first half of the night during the flood tide. This suggests that the
diel light cycle is a dominant cue for the determination of larval
release timing for these two species. Larval release does not track the
high slack tides, since larvae are only released during the first half
of the night and these high slack tides occur only after midnight
(0000–0600H) during the days of larval release for these two crab
Key words: Breeding migration, Larval release,
Mixed semidiurnal tides, Supratidal land crabs, Semilunar rhythm.
Chang CC, Hatch KA, Hsu CH, Hwang W, Liu HC, Chang YM. 2023. Seaward
migration and larval release coincide with lunar and light-dark cycles
in supratidal land crabs Cardisoma
carnifex and Epigrapsus
notatus. Zool Stud 62:22.