Vol. 63, 2024
(update: 2024.7.25)
The Cryptic Diversity of Ptenothrix Börner (Collembola: Dicyrtomidae) from Taiwan: New Species Plus the Lectotype Designation for Ptenothrix denticulata (Folsom, 1899)
Hsin-Ju Cheng1,§, Bruno Cavalcante Bellini2,§, Frans Janssens3, Taizo Nakamori4, Chih-Han Chang1,5,*
of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei
10617, Taiwan. *Correspondence: E-mail: chihhanchang@ntu.edu.tw,
chihhanchang.ntu@gmail.com (Chang)
E-mail: hsinjucheng.tw@gmail.com (Cheng)
of Botany and Zoology, Biosciences Center, Federal University of Rio
Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal 59072-970, RN, Brazil. E-mail:
entobellini@gmail.com (Bellini)
Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp,
Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020 Antwerpen, Belgium. E-mail:
frans.janssens@collembola.org (Janssens)
of Environment and Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Environment and
Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, Yokohama 240-8501,
Japan. E-mail: nakamori-taizo-gc@ynu.ac.jp (Nakamori)
5Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
§HJC and BCB contributed equally to this work.
(Received 3 May 2024 / Accepted 19 July 2024 / Published -- 2024)
Communicated by John Wang
is the first taxonomic study of Collembola in Taiwan integrating
morphological and molecular evidence to investigate the species in the
genus Ptenothrix Börner of the country. We discovered that specimens previously identified as Ptenothrix denticulata
(Folsom, 1899) actually consist of several cryptic species, of which we
described two species new to science. Our data revealed that, although
these species are remarkably similar to each other, they can be
distinguished by color patterns, a few chaetotaxic characters and DNA
barcoding (COI). Besides, we designated one of the syntypes of Ptenothrix denticulata (Folsom, 1899) as its lectotype, and treated Dicyrtoma denticulata (Salmon 1964) as a synonym of Ptenothrix denticulata
(Salmon 1964) (syn. nov.). Lastly, our study suggests that the
diversity of Collembola in Taiwan is still poorly understood, with a
high potential for new studies focusing on these microarthropods in
various aspects.
Key words: Soil fauna, Systematics, Genetic diversity, Phylogeny, Ptenothricinae
Citation: Cheng HJ, Bellini BC, Janssens F, Nakamoriv T, Chang CH. 2024. The cryptic diversity of Ptenothrix Börner (Collembola: Dicyrtomidae) from Taiwan: new species plus the lectotype designation for Ptenothrix denticulata (Folsom, 1899). Zool Stud 63:42.
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Supplementary materials: Table S1