New Scale Worm Polychaete from Mississippi
Sound, Gulf of Mexico
Kristianides cylindricum Salazar-Silva, 2020 a new species with ventral
lamellae is described from the Mississippi Sound, Gulf of Mexico in
shallow waters. Kristianides nov gen. constitutes the fourth genus of
Eulagiscinae, and the new species, the first with ventral lamellae in
this subfamily. Kristianides cylindricum sp. nov. can be distinguished
by: prostomium with short antennae and thick ceratophores, 2) elytra
with long papillae and macrotubercles, 3) Notopodia and neuropodia with
projected pointed acicular lobe. In polynoids of hydrothermal vents
both, ventral lamellae and long nephridial papillae have been
associated with sexual dimorphism of males. In polynoids of shallow
water the function of the lamellae is unknown.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
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