A New Species of Parapleurocrypta
(Bopyridae) Parasitizing Snapping-shrimps from Brazil
A new species of Parapleurocrypta,
a parasitic isopod genus of the family Bopyridae found parasitizing two
species of the snapping-shrimp genus Synalpheus,
is described from Brazil. This is the first record of Parapleurocrypta in the Atlantic
Ocean, and the first species of bopyrid parasite recorded from the
Fernando de Noronha archipelago in Brazil. Variation in the specimens
is discussed and ecological and reproductive data are provided. The
diagnosis of the genus is expanded to accommodate the features of the
new species. A review of the branchial bopyrids of Synalpheus is
included, as well as a discussion of parasitism by members of Parapleurocrypta.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
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