Ecology and Distribution of Three
Habitat-specialized Land Snails of the Genus Vertigo
Species of the genus Vertigo
are tiny land snails with shell height around 2 mm. Many of them are
restricted to colder climate areas and their centre of distribution
lies in higher latitudes, such as Vertigo
lilljeborgi, V. genesii and V. geyeri. These species are
habitat specialists that are restricted to minerotrophic fens, and
their main area of distribution lies in boreal and arctic zones. To the
south, their occurrence is a relict of more continuous distribution
during the late glacial and early Holocene and their occurrence
indicates sites of ancient origin and conservation importance. Our
study documents their pan-European distribution with their ecological
preferences analysed using data covering their whole area of
distribution. The results show that, besides other, V. lilljeborgi and especially V. genesii are restricted to areas
with lower summer and winter temperatures, suggesting impact of the
ongoing climate change. For more results, see the published article.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
Edwin Ariza-MarĂn's Twitter: @EdwinArizaMarin
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