A New Spitfin Fish from Taiwan
From the bycatch of trawl fishing, we have identified a
new species of splitfin fish, Synagrops
atrumoris sp. nov. The new species is closely similar to Synagrops japonicus but can be
distinguished by its black mouth cavity covering the lower portion of
the tongue, posteriorly enlarged and complex basioccipital fossae, a
triangular otolith with a strong posterodorsal angle, and strong
genetic differences. This species is currently known from the Dongsha
Islands, Taiwan, and the South China Sea but can possibly be found
south of Scott Reefs, Western Australia, based on some species
previously identified as S. japonicus.
We also suggested the revision of the genus Synagrops, synonymizing S. bellus with S. japonicus. This study highlights
the potential of describing new species from the West Pacific,
encouraging more research studies in this region.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
Edwin Ariza-MarĂn's Twitter: @EdwinArizaMarin
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