New Neotropical Pseudochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae) from Northeastern Brazil: Insights into Brazilian troglobiont Pseudoscorpions

We describe two new neotropical troglobitic pseudoscorpions from Brazil: Pseudochthonius aware sp. nov. and Pseudochthonius itakuatiara sp. nov. These species show typical subterranean adaptations, including depigmentation, elongated appendages, and, in P. aware sp. nov., the absence of eyes. This study also addresses the distribution of troglobitic Pseudochthonius species in Brazil, such as Pseudochthonius biseriatus Mahnert 2001, and Pseudochthonius strinatii Beier, 1969, the latter being the first troglobiont pseudoscorpion recorded in Brazil. Their wide distribution suggests they may be highly cryptic affinis species, necessitating a revision of the taxonomic characters used in their original descriptions, for posterior settling. Further revisions and molecular studies of the genus is needed as troglobiont species distribution understanding are critical for cave conservation and protection. This underscores the importance of accurate identification and description not only for the species conservation and threat analysis but also for habitat preservation.

Read the full article, published by Zoological Studies, here

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