New Species of Gall-inducing Psyllids of
Petalolyma (Triozidae) from Taiwan
This study reviews the gall-inducing psyllid genus Petalolyma Scott, 1882 and
synonymizes the monotypic genus Torulus
Li, 1991 as its junior synonym. A new species, Petalolyma vittata Liao &
Burckhardt, is described and illustrated, including both adults and
fifth-instar immatures. This species induces marginal fold galls on
leaves of Ilex ficoidea
(Aquifoliaceae). Additionally, a replacement name, Petalolyma lii Liao &
Burckhardt, is proposed to resolve a secondary homonym. New
descriptions of the previously unknown male of P. lii and the female of P. nigra are also provided. The
study further revises the taxonomy by synonymizing Petalolyma castanopsis Li &
Yang, 1991 and P. fujianensis Li
& Yang, 1999 and considering P.
hyalina (Kuwayama, 1910) a nomen dubium. A total of 13 valid Petalolyma species are discussed,
highlighting their host plants and biogeographic patterns.
Identification keys for the adults and fifth-instar immatures of
Taiwanese species are included.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
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