A Ostracod New Species from Phytothelmata
in Argentina
Ostracods are small, bivalved crustaceans which can abound
in a variety of aquatic and semi-terrestrial habitats. One genus, Elpidium, is endemic to
phytothelmata, which are small pouched of water in terrestrial plants.
The most common phytothelmata in South and Central America are the
tanks in bromeliad plants. About 20 species of Elpidium have meanwhile been
described from bromeliads, mostly from the Brazilian Atlantic forest.
Here, we describe a new species, Elpidium
chacoense, from Argentinian phytothelmata, and not only from
bromeliads, which is exceptional. These are also the southernmost
localities of the genus.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
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