New Digger Scorpion from Iran
Scorpions are always of interest because of their painful
sting. All scorpions are venomous and can be seen in any environment.
One group is a digger, digging burrows up to one meter deep, resting
during the day, and coming out at night to hunt. Coastal areas are
suitable places for this group to live. On the other hand, beaches are
suitable for people to visit and have fun. A study of the coastal areas
of Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan Province, southern Iran, led to the
description of a new species of digger scorpions, which was introduced
as Odontobuthus persicus. Identifying scorpions is useful and necessary to prevent scorpion stings and manage treatment by providing specific antivenom.

Read the full article, published by Zoological
Studies, here
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