A New Genus and Species of the Spring-endemic Ostracoda and its Population Structure 

The importance: We describe the ostracod Lissostrandesia fonticola gen. et sp. nov. in the subfamily Cypricercinae McKenzie, 1971, collected from six rheocrenic springs in Japan. Morphological differences we observed were enough to warrant establishment of a new tribe, Lissostrandesiini, to accommodate the new genus. We present a key to the genera in Cypricercinae. The populations sampled were separated by up to 1000 km, and some of them by one or two marine straits, which comprise significant barriers for freshwater animals. The maximum p-distance for COI gene among six local populations was 0.662%, a low value indicative of conspecificity. In addition, four populations with sample sizes of 13–21 individuals shared two main COI haplotypes, indicating high apparent connectivity.

Read the full article, published by Zoological Studies, here

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