2018/04/17) |
Paper Title |
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What the Cnidaria Tell Us about Pax Gene Evolution D.J. Miller Abstract丨PDF (149KB) |
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Ovary Development of the Deep-water Shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1826) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae) from Taiwan H.C. Kao, T.Y. Chan and H.P. Yu Abstract丨PDF (354KB) |
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Molecular Evolutionary Analyses of the Rh Blood Group Genes and Rh50 Genes in Mammals T. Kitano, S. OOta and N. Saitou Abstract丨PDF (510KB) |
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A New Coral-inhabiting Barnacle from Taiwan (Cirripedia: Pyrgomatidae) A. Ross and W.A. Newman Abstract丨PDF (119KB) |
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Species Composition of Fish in the Coastal Zones of the Tsengwen Estuary, with Descriptions of Five New Records from Taiwan S.R. Kuo and K.T. Shao Abstract丨PDF (277KB) |
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Revision of Taiwan Starfish (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), with Description of Ten New Records S.M. Chao Abstract丨PDF (381KB) |
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A Comparative Study of Neuropeptide Y-Immunoreactivity in the Retina of Dolphin and Several Other Mammalian Species S.T. Chen, C.L. Shen, J.P. Wang and L.S. Chou Abstract丨PDF (270KB) |
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Studies on Six Species of Spiders from Taiwan (Araneae: Theridiidae,
Psechridae, Uloboridae, Oxyopidae, and Ctenidae) S.H. Chen Abstract丨PDF (514KB) |
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A Review of the Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from Taiwan H.T. Shih, H.W. Chang and J.H. Chen Abstract丨PDF (187KB) |
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Is There Current Competition between Sympatric Siberian Weasels (Mustela sibirica) and Ferret Badgers (Melogale moschata) in a Subtropical Forest Ecosystem of Taiwan? H.Y. Wu Abstract丨PDF (122KB) |
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Strontium Bands in Relation to Age Marks in Otoliths of European Eel Anguilla anguilla W.N. Tzeng, K.P. Severin, H. Wickström and C.H. Wang Abstract丨PDF (271KB) |
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Progesterone-like Substance in Ovary and Hepatopancreas of Uca vocans borealis J.T. Shih and S.S. Tseng Abstract丨PDF (145KB) |
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Life History Studies of the Flightless Marine Midges Pontomyia spp. (Diptera: Chironomidae) K. Soong, G.F. Chen and J.R. Cao Abstract丨PDF (146KB) |
Author and
Subject Index to Volume 38 PDF (28.7KB) |