2018/03/26) |
Paper Title |
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Diversity of Planktonic and Epiphytic rotifers in the Backwaters of the
Delhi Segment of the Yamuna River, with Remarks on New Records from
India J. Arora and N.K. Mehra Abstract丨PDF (342KB) |
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Early Life History Traits of Japanese Anchovy in the Northeastern Waters of Taiwan, with Reference to Larval Transport C.S. Chen and T.S. Chiu Abstract丨PDF (665KB) |
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Morphological Comparison of Ryukyu Mouse Mus caroli (Rodentia: Muridae) Populations from Okinawajima and Taiwan M. Motokawa, L.K. Lin and J. Motokawa Abstract丨PDF (281KB) |
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Solution to the Taxonomic Confusion Surrounding Caligus epinepheli Yamaguti, a Caligid Copepod (Siphonostomatoida) Parasitic on Marine Fishes J.s. Ho and C.L. Lin Abstract丨PDF (730KB) |
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A New Pygmy Seahorse, Hippocampus denise (Teleostei: Syngnathidae), from the Indo-Pacific S.A. Lourie and J.E. Randall Abstract丨PDF (505KB) |
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New Subspecies of Hawkmoth from Lanyu Island, Taiwan, with a Revised
and Annotated Checklist of Taiwanese Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) S.H. Yen, I.J. Kitching and C.S. Tzen Abstract丨PDF (873KB) |
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Preliminary Cladistics and Review of Hemiptarsenus Westwood and Sympiesis Förster (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Hungary C.D. Zhu and D.W. Huang Abstract丨PDF (614KB) |
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Effects on Calcium Channel Antagonists on Juvenile Hormone Acid Release
and Intracellular Calcium Level in the Corpora Allata of Adult Male Mythimna loreyi (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Y.C. Hsieh, Y.R. Chen, E.L. Hsu and R. Kou Abstract丨PDF (376KB) |
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Immunocytochemistry and Keratinization in the Epidermis of Crocodilians L. Alibardi Abstract丨PDF (512KB) |
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Assessing Avian Point-count Duration and Sample Size Using Species Accumulation Functions H.J. Shiu and P.F. Lee Abstract丨PDF (320KB) |
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Feeding Habits of the Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, Stenella attenuate, off the Eastern Coast of Taiwan M.C. Wang, W.A. Walker, K.T.Shao and L.S. Chou Abstract丨PDF (306KB) |
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Skewed Sex Ratio of the Chinese Green Tree Viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri stejnegeri, at Tsaochiao, Taiwan S. Wang, H.C. Lin and M.C. Tu Abstract丨PDF (349KB) |