(update: 2017/12/01) |
Paper Title |
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Impacts of the Invading Golden Mussel Limnoperna fortunei on Zooplankton: A Mesocosm Experiment F. Rojas Molina, S. José de Paggi, and D. Frau Abstract丨PDF (507KB) |
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Community Structure of Molluscs in Three Different Wetland Types in the
Qi’ao-Dan’gan Island Mangrove Nature Reserve at Qi’ao Island, Pearl
River Estuary, China Y.F. Li, R.L. Xu, and C.F. Wang Abstract丨PDF (595KB) |
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Geographical Variations in the Chemical Compositions of Veined Squid Loligo forbesi Statoliths C.H. Wang, A.J. Geffen, and R.D.M. Nash Abstract丨PDF (571KB) |
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An Association between Hesione picta (Polychaeta: Hesionidae) and Ophionereis reticulata (Ophiuroidea: Ophionereididae) from the Brazilian Coast J.E. De Assis, E.A.S. Bezerra, R.J. Brito, A.I. Gondim, and M.L. Christoffersen Abstract丨PDF (712KB) |
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Population Structure and Reproduction of the Mysid Shrimp Acanthomysis thailandica (Crustacea: Mysidae) in a Tropical Mangrove Estuary, Malaysia T. Ramarn, V.C. Chong, and Y. Hanamura Abstract丨PDF (915KB) |
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Distribution of the White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala is Affected by Environmental Factors in a Mediterranean Wetland F. Atiénzar, M. Antón-Pardo, X. Armengol, and E. Barba Abstract丨PDF (445KB) |
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Life on a High Isolated Mountain: the Arthropod Fauna of Mt. Taylor, Cibola County, New Mexico D.B. Richman and W. O’Keefe Abstract丨PDF (658KB) |
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Some Caligids (Copepoda: Caligidae) from Plankton of a Coastal Lagoon
in the Gulf of Mexico with a Description of a New Species of Metacaligus E. Su�rez-Morales, I.H. Kim, and B.J. Escamilla Abstract丨PDF (1.68MB) |
9 | Revision of the Reinstated Genus Pachyosa Fairmaire, 1897 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Mesosini) J. Yamasako and N. Ohbayashi Abstract丨PDF (1.25MB) |
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Review of the Genus Callispa Baly, 1858 in Taiwan (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Callispini), with Descriptions of Two New
Species and their Immature Stages, and Notes on their Bionomy C.F. Lee, J. Świętojańska, and C.L. Staines Abstract丨PDF (3.79MB) |
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Morphology and DNA Barcoding Reveal a New Species of Eagle Ray from the Southwestern Atlantic: Myliobatis ridens sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Myliobatidae) N.L. Ruocco, L.O. Lucifora, J.M. Díaz de Astarloa, E. Mabragaña, and S.M. Delpiani Abstract丨PDF (693KB) |
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A New Blind Loach Triplophysa lihuensis sp. nov. (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from Guangxi, China T.J. Wu, J. Yang, and J.H. Lan Abstract丨PDF (531KB) |
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Taxonomy of the Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein Revisited with Sex-Separated Analyses of Biometrics and Wing Tip Patterns F. Jiguet, P. Capainolo, and A. Tennyson Abstract丨PDF (559KB) |
Author and
Subject Index to Volume 51 PDF (202KB) |