Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.07.12; 09.05)
Utility and Applicability of a
Universal Set of Primers in Identifying the Sex of South and Southeast
Asian Mammals
Dutt Joshi, Rahul De, and Surendra Prakash Goyal*
Institute of India, Post Box # 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand,
India. *Correspondence: E-mail: goyalsp@wii.gov.in
Received 17 October 2018 / Accepted 21 June 2019
Communicated by Ka Hou Chu
Sex identification of individuals
is an important task in wildlife forensics as well as in conservation
biology. It helps scientists understand population sex ratios with
respect to maintaining genetic diversity, managing inbreeding
depression and preventing the demographic consequences of sex-biased
poaching. The literature on the use of mammalian molecular sex markers
indicates that the success of accurate sex identification is variable
across species. Very little is known about the effectiveness of such
markers on the mammals of South and Southeast Asia. Therefore, we
selected and tested three sets of universal primers for low-cost
gel-based sex identification of mammals. We amplified different sets of
markers—SRY (157 bp) and 12S rRNA (384 bp); Y-53-SRY (225 bp) and
ZFX/ZFY (P1/P2; 445); SRY (157 bp) and 12S rRNA (151 bp)—to be used
with different types (tissue, hair and skin) of samples from 20
mammalian species. All three sets of primers amplified the sex-specific
fragment in a range of samples from hair to tissue. With an increasing
number of field studies using non-invasively collected samples, this
proposed low-cost gelbased method of molecular sexing may be applied in
various aspects of the ecology and biology of South and Southeast Asian
mammals, their conservation and forensics. We suggest that at least two
sets of primers be used for any biological samples to avoid ambiguity.
Key words: Sex identification,
Duplex PCR, Internal marker, Wildlife forensic science, Mitochondrial
Citation: Joshi BD, De R, Goyal SP. 2019.
Utility and applicability of a universal set of primers in identifying
the sex of South and Southeast Asian mammals. Zool Stud 58:19. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-19.