Vol. 62, 2023
(update: 2023.7.26)
Phylogeography of Long-spined
Sea Urchin Diadema setosum
Across the Indo-Malay Archipelago
Indra Bayu Vimono1,2,3, Philippe Borsa4,*, Régis Hocdé5, and Laurent Pouyaud3
Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), Research
Center for Oceanography (RCO), Jakarta, Indonesia. E-mail:
vimono@gmail.com (Vimono)
2Université de Montpellier, Ecole doctorale Gaia,
Montpellier, France
3Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD),
UMR 226 ISEM, Montpellier, France. E-mail: laurent.pouyaud@ird.fr
4IRD, UMR 250 Entropi, Montpellier, France. *
Correspondence: E-mail: philippe.borsa@ird.fr (Borsa)
5MARBEC, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD,
Montpellier, France. E-mail: regis.hocde@ird.fr (Hocdé)
(Received 26 November 2022 / Accepted
26 May 2023 / Published 26 July 2023)
Communicated by Machida Ryuji
Widely distributed, broadcast-spawning Diadema
sea urchins have been used as model invertebrate species for studying
the zoogeography of the tropical Indo-Pacific. So far, the Indo-Malay
archipelago, a wide and geographically complex maritime region
extending from the eastern Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean,
has been under-sampled. This study aims to fill this sampling gap and
uncover the phylogeographic structure of the long-spined sea-urchin D.
setosum in the central Indo-West pacific region. D. setosum samples (total N = 718) were collected in 13 sites throughout the Indo-Malay archipelago. We sequenced over 1157 bp of COI gene. The Phylogeographic structure was derived from pairwise ФST estimates
using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering analysis;
biogeographic hypotheses were tested by AMOVA; genetic relationships
between haplotypes were summarised in the form of a minimum-spanning
network; and pairwise mismatch distributions were compared to the
expectations from demographic and spatial expansion models. All samples
from the Indo-West Pacific were of the previously uncovered D. setosum-a
lineage. Phylogeographic structure was evident: the Andaman Sea
population and the northern New Guinea population were genetically
distinct. Subtler but significant haplotypefrequency differences
distinguished two populations within the Indonesian seas, distributed
in a parapatriclike fashion. The phylogeographic partition observed was
insufficiently explained by previous biogeographic hypotheses. The
haplotype network showed a series of closely related star-shaped
haplogroups with a high proportion of singletons. Nucleotide-pairwise
mismatch patterns in the two populations from the Indonesian seas were
consistent with both demographic and spatial expansion models. While
geographic barriers to gene flow were inferred at the western and
eastern extremities of the Indo-Malay archipelago, the subtler
parapatric pattern observed within the Indonesian seas indicated
restriction in gene flow, in a fashion that can hardly be explained by
geographic isolation given the dynamic current systems that cross this
region. Our results thus raise the hypothesis of subtle reproductive
isolation between ecologically incompatible populations. While the
coalescence pattern of the Andaman-Sea population suggested demographic
stability over evolutionary timescales, that of the two populations
from the Indonesian seas indicated recent population expansion,
possibly linked to the rapid changes in available D. setosum
habitat caused by sealevel oscillations in the late Pleistocene. The
phylogeographic patterns observed in this study point to likely
allopatric differentiation in the central Indo-West Pacific region.
Genetic differences between populations were likely reinforced during
interglacials by some form of reproductive isolation.
Key words: Cytochrome oxidase
subunit I (COI), Geographic
barrier, Reproductive isolation, Demographic history, Indo-West Pacific
Citation: Vimono IB, Borsa P, Hocdé R,
Pouyaud L. 2023. Phylogeography of long-spined sea urchin Diadema setosum across the
Indo-Malay archipelago. Zool Stud 62:39.
materials: Table S1丨Table S2丨Fig. S1