Vol. 63, 2024
(update: 2024.5.14)
Habitat Partitioning in Two
Intertidal Limpets, Siphonaria
guamensis (Heterobranchia) and Patelloida
saccharina (Patellogastropoda), from Southern Thailand
Sangphueak1, Tin Yan Hui2,3, Sarah L.Y. Lau2, Gray A. Williams2, and Kringpaka
of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Songkhla, Thailand. *Correspondence: E-mail:
kringpaka.w@psu.ac.th (Wangkulangkul)
E-mail: suphatsara.skk@gmail.com (Sangphueak)
Swire Institute of Marine Science and Area of Ecology &
Biodiversity, The School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong SAR, PR China. E-mail: pritommy@gmail.com (Hui);
sarahlly@connect.hku.hk (Lau); hrsbwga@hku.hk (Williams)
3Science Unit, Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR, PR
(Received 9 August 2023 /
Accepted 13 January 2024 / Published 14 May 2024)
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
intertidal animals exhibit various strategies during emersion to
mediate the impact of heat and desiccation, including behavioural
adaptations such as moving to lower tidal levels and seeking thermal
refuges, which can result in spatial partitioning between species
within the intertidal environment. We tested whether the limpets Siphonaria guamensis (Heterobranchia) and Patelloida saccharina (Patellogastropoda)
exhibited differential habitat use during tidal emersion by quantifying
their abundance and size distribution in various habitats on two rocky
shores on the west coast of Thailand. S. guamensis inhabited higher shore levels with hotter average rock temperatures when emersed as compared to P. saccharina. On one of the shores, large S. guamensis lived at higher tidal levels than smaller individuals, whereas large P. saccharina showed the reverse pattern, being found lower on the shore than smaller individuals. The abundance of S. guamensis was positively correlated to the shore slope, with more individuals found on vertical than horizontal rocks, while P. saccharina
showed a negative relationship between abundance and algal cover. At
the heights where they were most abundant, both species were more often
found in bare rock habitats as opposed to crevices and areas dominated
by oyster shells, despite the fact that bare rock was as hot as or even
hotter than other microhabitats. The exact resting locations of the two
species were, however, cooler than the mean temperature of the bare
rock. In general,
limpets did not exhibit a strong preference for any particular rock orientation, but S. guamensis
on one shore was more abundant on east-facing rocks as compared to
other aspects. As a result, although thermal stress appears to be a
driver for habitat partitioning between species (occupying different
tidal heights), temperature alone is unable to explain distribution
patterns within species, as limpets were not adopting thermal refuges
during tidal emersion. Variations in the physical environments may be
mediated by species-specific morphological and/or physiological
adaptations which determine the distribution of different limpet
species on western Thailand rocky shores.
Key words: Behavioural adaptations, Vertical distribution, Thermal stress, Tropical rocky shore, Habitat selection
Citation: Sangphueak S, Hui TY, Lau SLY,
Williams GA, Wangkulangkul K. 2024. Habitat partitioning in two
intertidal limpets, Siphonaria
guamensis (Heterobranchia) and Patelloida
saccharina (Patellogastropoda), from southern Thailand. Zool
Stud 63:11.
materials: Fig. S1丨Fig. S2丨Table S1