2018/03/01) |
Paper Title |
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A Taxonomic Study on the Subgenus Seladonia (Hymenoptra: Halictidae: Halictus) in China with a Description of a New Species Ze-Qing Niu, Yan-Ru Wu and Da-Wei Huang Abstract丨PDF (905KB) |
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Digenean Fauna in Marine Fishes from Taiwanese Waters with the Description of a New Species, Lecithochirium tetraorchis sp. nov. Hsiu-Hui Shih, Wei Liu and Zhao-Zhi Qiu Abstract丨PDF (193KB) |
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The Bopyridae (Crustacea Isopoda) of Taiwan Christopher B. Boyko Abstract丨PDF (648KB) |
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The World Largest Lucinid Is an Underscribed Species from Taiwan (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Philippe Bouchet and Rudo von Cosel Abstract丨PDF (322KB) |
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of the Teleostean Adductor Mandibulae and Its Significance to the
Systematic Positions of the Polymixiiformes, Lampridiformes, and
Triacanthoidei Kao-yi Wu and Shih-chieh Shen Abstract丨PDF (511KB) |
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Pattern of Ventral Aorta and Distribution of the Branchial Arteries of
Hagfishes (Myxiniformes), with Notes on the Taxonomic Implications Hin-Kiu Mok and Charmion B. McMillan Abstract丨PDF (404KB) |
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Genetic Analysis ofTwo Subspecies of Reeve's Muntjac (Cervidae: Muntiacus reevesi) by Karyotyping and Satellite DNA Analyses Pei-Yi Chiang, Chyi Chyang Lin, Shu-Ju Liao, Lie-Jiau Hsieh, Shuan-Yow Li, Ming-Chieh Chao, Yueh-Chun Li Abstract丨PDF (399KB) |
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Secondary Structure and Phylogenetic Utility of the Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) in Scleractinian Corals Chaolun Allen Chen, Chau-Ching Chang, Nuwei Vivian Wei, Chien-Hsun Chen, Yi-Ting Lein, Ho-E Lin, Chang-Feng Dai and Carden C. Wallace Abstract丨PDF (413KB) |
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Ionocytes Distribution in Gills of the Euryhaline Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål, 1775) Chun-Nian Chen, Li-Yih Lin and Tsung-Han Lee Abstract丨PDF (445KB) |
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Response of Two Pieris (Lepioptera: Pieridae) Species to Fertilization of a Host Plant Ying-Zhi Chen, Li Lin, Chih-Wei Wang, Chin-Chang Yeh, and Shaw-Yhi Hwang Abstract丨PDF (208KB) |
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Temporal Variations in the Size and Composition of Formosan Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros terasensis) Colonies in Central Taiwan Hsi-Chi Cheng and Ling-Ling Lee Abstract丨PDF (208KB) |
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Density and Diversity of Litter Amphibians in a Monsoon Forest of Southern Taiwan Ching-Yu Huang and Ping-Chun Lucy Hou Abstract丨PDF (196KB) |
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Numbers of Tandem Repeats (VNTRs), Heteroplasmy, and Sequence Variation
of the Mitochondrial Control Region in the Three-spot Dascyllus, Dascyllus trimaculatus (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) Chaolun Allen Chen, Maria Carmen Anonuevo Ablan, John Williams McManus, Johann Diepernk Bell, Vo Si Tuan, Annadel Sarmiento Cabanban, Kwang-Tsao Shao Abstract丨PDF (295KB) |
Author and Subject Index to Volume 43 PDF (167KB) |