Vol. 63, 2024
(update: 2024.7.1)
Rhizocephalan Barnacle Briarosaccus hoegi sp. nov. – a
Parasite of the Stone Crab Hapalogaster dentata (De Haan, 1849) from
Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan)
M. Korn1,2,*, Darya D. Golubinskaya1, Svetlana N. Sharina1, Christoph Noever2, and Henrik Glenner2
Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern
Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia.
E-mail: dddemchyk@mail.ru (Golubinskaya); sharina.svetlana@gmail.com
2Department of Biological Sciences, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway. *Correspondence: E-mail: olgamkorn@mail.ru
E-mail: christoph.noever@uib.no (Noever); henrik.glenner@uib.no
(Received 16 December 2023 /
Accepted 26 June 2024 / Published -- 2024)
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
and morphological methods are used to describe the rhizocephalan Briarosaccus hoegi sp. nov. from
Russian waters of the Sea of Japan, parasitizing the stone crab Hapalogaster dentata (De Haan,
1849). Briarosaccus hoegi sp.
nov. has minor differences by gross morphology from closely related
species, B. tenellus,
parasitizing H. mertensii in
British Columbia and Alaska. Briarosaccus
hoegi sp. nov. and B. tenellus
are identified as distinct species by genetic markers. These two
species have different hosts and different areas of distribution.
Moreover, nauplii of Briarossacus
hoegi sp. nov. have naupliar eyes probably lacking in B. tenellus larvae. The
presence/absence of larval eyes may be a clear character separating the
two species. The prevalence of Briaroaccus
hoegi sp. nov. on the H.
dentata in Peter the Great Bay is about of 6%.
Key words: Rhizocephala,
Briarosaccus, Lithodidae, DNA analysis, Histology, SEM, Peter the Great
Citation: Korn OM, Golubinskaya DD,
Sharina SN, Noever C, Glenner H. 2024. Rhizocephalan barnacle Briarosaccus hoegi sp. nov. – a
parasite of the stone crab Hapalogaster dentata (De Haan, 1849) from
Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). Zool Stud 63:29.
follow the code of the International Commission on Zoological
Nomenclature, taxonomic papers with new species/genus descriptions will
not have early view version.
Supplementary materials: Table S1丨Table S2丨Table S3丨Table S4丨Table S5丨Fig. S1丨Fig. S2丨Fig. S3丨Fig. S4丨Fig. S5丨Fig. S6丨Fig. S7丨Fig. S8