Vol. 58, 2019
(update: 2019.07.26; 09.17)
Expansion of the Northern Geographical Distribution of Land Hermit Crab Populations: Colonization and Overwintering Success of Coenobita purpureus on the Coast of the Boso Peninsula, Japan
Sanda1,2, Katsuyuki Hamasaki1,*, Shigeki Dan1,
and Shuichi Kitada1
of Marine Biosciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology, Konan, Minato, Tokyo 108-8477, Japan. *Correspondence:
E-mail: hamak@kaiyodai.ac.jp. E-mail: sdan@kaiyodai.ac.jp
(Dan); kitada@kaiyodai.ac.jp (Kitada)
2Present Address: Research Center for Subtropical
Fisheries, Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Japan
Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Fukai-Ota, Ishigaki, Okinawa
907-0451, Japan. E-mail: sanda@affrc.go.jp (Sanda)
Received 22 April 2019 / Accepted 22 July 2019
Communicated by Benny K.K. Chan
present study aimed to elucidate the population dynamics of land hermit
crabs on the coast of the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, Japan,
which is the northern limit of their geographical distribution. We
conducted monthly field surveys at four sites from April 2012 to
December 2014 and visually searched for crabs. Laboratory experiments
were also conducted to evaluate the overwintering ability of two
species, Coenobita purpureus and C. rugosus,
which were detected during the field surveys; adult crabs and
laboratory-raised juveniles were exposed to low-temperature conditions
that simulated the in situ
temperatures during the early overwintering period. Newly landed
juveniles first appeared in August. They were identified as either C. purpureus or C. rugosus, with C. purpureus
being the dominant species. Early juveniles grew until October. The
abundance of early juveniles decreased with decreasing air
temperatures, and dead individuals were found during the overwintering
period. The low-temperature tolerance ability of C. purpureus was stronger than that of C. rugosus. Some crabs successfully overwintered, and all were identified as C. purpureus. The growth and overwintering success of juveniles varied
among the survey sites depending on the local temperature regime. Our
results highlight the frontier for expanding the northern geographical
distribution of land hermit crab populations by the colonization and
overwintering success of C. purpureus.
Key words: Terrestrial hermit
crabs, Biogeography, Larval dispersal, Thermal adaptation,
Low-temperature tolerance.
Sanda S, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S. 2019. Expansion of the northern
geographical distribution of land hermit crab populations: colonization
and overwintering success of Coenobita purpureus on the coast of the Boso Peninsula, Japan. Zool Stud 58:25. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-25.
Materials: Fig. S1
| Fig. S2 | Fig. S3 | Fig. S4 | Fig. S5A | Fig. S5B | Fig. S5C | Fig. S6 | Fig. S7
S1 | Table
S2 | Table
S3 | Table
S4 | Table
S5 | Table
S6 | Table
S7 | Table
S8 | Table